Positive Induction Course 

Are you preparing for an Induction Of Labour?

You deserve SO much more than a hospital fact-sheet.

Is this course for me?

If you have an induction of labour booked, or are likely to have an induction, this course is for you.

This course is not about the pro's and con's of induction.

This course is ideal for anyone who has already made that decision with their care provider (or in the process of making a decision) and who wants to move forward with confidence.

It is hard to find empowering information relating to induction.

This course is here to get you in a positive headspace and take you from nervous to, "LET'S DO THIS".

You will learn:

✓ The induction of labour journey, step by step

✓ Different methods of inducing labour

✓ Tips for optimising your body's natural birth hormones

✓ How and why "the drip" is used

✓ Ways to relax your pelvic floor and manage discomfort

✓ Common methods of monitoring your baby

✓ Ways to work with pain

+ much more!

The Positive Induction Course

This course is ideal for anyone who has already made that decision with their care provider (or in the process of making a decision) and who wants to move forward with confidence.


One-time investment of $60 AUD, which gives you access to the course content for six months from the time of purchase.

What are PowerBirth families saying?

  • This course being available at the time that I need it the most! Tomorrow I go in for my induction and I feel less like I've failed and more confident going in because I know what to expect and what I can question during the process! I feel ready for the next part!! Thanks Beth once again you've killed it!

    Shabnam Nishar

  • Do this over the hospital handout! What a fantastic resource. My husband and I completed the Positive Induction course ahead of our scheduled induction next week. I feel empowered and confident going into my second induction. Highly recommend to anyone, whether their induction is planned or a last minute change of plans

    Katie Davies

  • Awesome course! Loved how clear Beth was, and really positive about the process. I’m feeling really well-informed leading up to my induction date.

    Lexi Worthington

  • Informative and empowering. The Positive Induction course covered intervention types and stages in a calm and reassuring way. I feel educated and that I understand the options available to me. I really loved how this course covers off on the detail in a succinct and clear way.

    Eve Wheeler


  • This course can be completed in under an hour and has intentionally been designed to be short and sweet. Induction of Labour can pop up at the last minute and I know you don’t have time to consume hours of education!

    All of the essential information is delivered concisely so that you can get prepared and move forward feeding calm and excited.

  • From the time of purchase you can access the course as often as you like for 6 months.

  • That is completely up to you! If you previously felt really empowered and confident in the process, you probably don’t need to utilise this resource. If you feel your knowledge could have been better and you want to feel more positive this time around, I am sure you will find the content valuable.

This course is here to get you in a positive headspace and take you from nervous to, ‘let’s do this’.